Brothers of Our Lady of Mercy




A hopeful human image

Honor Deo, Labor mihi, Utilitas proximo.

Our pedagogic acting is always based on this apostolic life aphorism of V. Scheppers. We repeat this basis inspiration in our contemporary task as teachers:

Honor Deo:  from our evangelical inspiration we handle  a hopeful human image.

Labor mihi: our expertise in devotion and our strong emotion at every contact with youngsters guarantee  an attentive involvement.

Utilitas proximo: our responsible servitude to vulnerable young fellow-men and towards the society as a creation in movement offers chances to every child.

Poor sanction authority

By a permanent concern for balance and equilibrium in our pedagogic acting, we implement this spirituality. By an interesting proximity, we want to stimulate a positive behavior and we want to explore new care needs. This permits us to handle authority in a careful and poor sanction authority. We educate youngsters to capable in relation, positive- critical, solitary, social engaged and cheerful young adults. In every daily act we pursue an integral and an education full of quality. . A strong union with all those who engage themselves for this purpose, gives clearness and handhold to the youngsters they trusted us.

The realization of this challenging education project with tradition is considered by all involved persons as a very meaningful contribution to development and dignity of the young fellow-man. With this engagement we anchor our Scheppers schools within the network of catholic education full of quality in the Flanders.